Homestead Seasonal Cleaning Tips, Tricks, and more!

How clean is your home? Let’s answer this question straight away: It’s not as clean as you THINK it is. After the shelves have been dusted, the windows washed, and the floors have been swept, scrubbed, and mopped, there are still overlooked spots where grime is hiding. Do you know where they are? Don’t worry! We’ve prepared our best solutions for helping you get to every corner.
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Medical Preparedness – Burn Treatment

There will be times when no professional medical expertise is available. You’ll have to take care of yourself, your family, or your team, the best way you know how. When it comes to treating burns most people will aggravate the situation due to a lack of knowledge. There are many things that can cause burns, from heat sources to electrical wires, even UV radiation from the sun. Burn treatment isn’t overly complicated and should be learned by everyone.

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DIY: Detail Your Own Car!!

Detailing your Cloth Seats and Interior Carpeting:

Do you have kids? Pets? Kids with Pets? In my experience any combination of this equation to be very results in stains of one shape, or form. Normally once every 3 months I do a deep cleaning of our cars, pull out the booster seat, and the floor mats and time and again, I am mystified by what I find. Stains, melted foodstuff, spilled juice, and much much more. I called around to some local car detailing shops, as well as those companies that will come out to your and clean your car. Needless to say I am way too frugal (insert: cheap) to pay someone else over $200 to clean my car for me. Continue reading